We are go to school and face many teachers in our life do you ever think why we remember only few. Only three to five teacher are great in our life. For example if a students have experience of Post-graduation College at this level he / she only remember few teachers as great. Actually what make them grate? How a teacher become a great teacher in his life. Today we will guide you top 20 Secret about great teachers. Let if you are a teacher this is super idea and if you are research student you will find good material in these lines.

More than 200 Students research have clearly a single message that great teacher are always great. But some qualities make them different from others. Let see what these qualities are.

How a teacher become Great Teacher in his life.
1.       Great teacher never forget that why they are teacher.
2.       Great teacher have positive attitude and they must if they like to be great.
3.       They love their profession.
4.       They keep small problems that way.
5.       They praise good things and ignore as much of the bad as you can.
6.       They create trust and avoid discipline problems.
7.       They Smile at a student who is getting ready to misbehave.
8.       They build motivation of their students in all lessons.
9.       Thy have always backup plan for their backup plans.
10.    Thy actually have more problems but face very smart way.
11.    Good teachers enforce the school rules
12.    They do not waste time in debates they take action
13.    They know students value and they care their rights.
14.    Good teacher engage their students in lesson
16.    They can protect their students and their own problems with professional behavior.
17.    Good teacher do not react they resolve the problems.
18.    Great teachers are goal oriented
19.    They listen more then they speak mostly they listen the students problems.
20.    The good teacher believe in work and discipline and create such habits in their students.

This is not enough a good teacher may have many more good habits and professional knowledge. Let share with us and our reader who is your best teach and what you feel different in his hidden personality to consider him/her like to be a great.

Who is your best Teacher and Why Please comments us!

“Great teacher’s stories, how teacher becomes great in their life, History of great teachers, qualities of good teacher, best secret about good teachers, why you love your teacher, how you fallow your teachers, and what qualities make a teacher great for his students.”

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