50 Market Terms used in Business Reports

50 Market Terms used in Business Reports  

There are different terms used in Business Writing specially in business Reports. Today we will discuss about top 50 Market Terms used in Business Reports. I hope you will like the research because this is amazing to know first and write a best professional Business Report.

Arbitrage: The process of buying something such as commodity, foreign currency in one place and selling it in another place at the same time, in order to make a profit from the difference in prices in the two places is called arbitrage. Thus, it is the taking advantage of difference in price between two markets. The term is used in a wider sense to purchase share stocks, and securities on one market for immediate sales on another market.

Arbitrage: A person who makes money from arbitrage.

Arrivals: Fresh stock of commodities that is brought to the market in a given period in the presence of old stock is called arrivals. Arrivals show the increase in the supply of goods. Arrivals are quoted in the market reports to indicate an increase in the supply of goods.

Bear: A bear is a speculator on stock exchange. He sells shares when prices are expected to fall in order to make a profit by buying them back again at a lower prices.
A bear who sells the shares and securities may or may not possess them. A bear who sells shares and securities which he does not possess is described as having sold short. If he possess, he is described as protected bear. He often takes pessimistic view of the stock market.

Bearish: the market is known bearish when there is downward trend in the prices.

Bull: A person who buys commodities or securities in an anticipation of a rise in prices or who tries by speculative purchases to effete such a rise is called a bull. His efforts to enhance the prices are called bull campaign.

He takes an optimistic view of the stock market or of commodity market. He buys share in companies hoping that the price will rise, so that they may be sold at a profit.

Bullish Market:

When the market shows signs of rising and a feeling of optimism prevails, the tone of the market is called bullish.


Selling a product in a foreign country at a price much lower than that is prevailing in the exporter’s home market, below the cost of production is called dumping. It is the combination of price discrimination and predatory pricing in international marketing.


It is a more intense form of recession in which unemployment peaks, buying power drops dramatically, and consumers lose their faith in the economy. It is a period of economic industrial inactivity.

The Recession:

The period when there was no much business activates and not many jobs in the market called recession.


Boom is a period of sudden economic growth, especially one that result in a log of money being made.

Buoyancy of the market:

This term is used in market report to show increasing tendency of the prices.


A market where prices are very low because of more sellers than buyers is known as flat. Therefore, business is not very successful because very little is being sold.


Haggling is a colloquial expression for the process of bargaining or arguing with somebody in order to reach an agreement, especially about the price of something.


It is a situation where there is a more supply of something than is needed or can be used. In market terminology, it is a supply of something that is much greater than can be sold or is needed. In other words, it means to flood the market with a certain article or commodity so that the supply greatly exceeds the demand. There is in consequences a fall in prices.


To make the price of shares go up and down in order to make a profit is called rigging. It also means to cause artificial rise and fall in prices, in order to make a profit.


A period when the economy of a country is not successful and conditions for business are bad. It is the most difficult time for the economy of a country when there is a less trade, industrial activity, and wealth than usual and more people are unemployed.


A fall in the price, Value, sales etc of something is called slump. It is also means a period when industry or economy is in a bad state and there is a log of unemployment.


A speculator is a person who speculates.


The activity of buying and selling goods or shares in a company in the hope of making a profit, but with the risk of losing money.


The total amount of goods or services sold by a company during a period of time is called turnover. It also means the number of shares of stock sold or the market during the given period of time

Volume of Business:

Amount of business done in a market during a specific period is called volume of business. Whenever a small business is done in a market for a particular period, the following terms can describe it: Dull, stagnant etc, In case of heavy business the terms are: brisk, scale, etc.


There are two meanings
  • 1.       A formal offer by a debtor of money due to his creditors or upon a bill of exchange.
  • 2.       An offer usually in response to a public advertisement, to supply or to do work at prices quoted and under condition stated in the tender.

There is no implied undertaking to accept the lowest tender, but when the tender is accepted it naturally results in biding agreement enforceable at law.


The fall in value of fixed assets due to wear and tear of lapse of time is called depreciation. One method of dealing with depreciation in accounts is to write off such an amount each year as will reduce the book value of the asset to that of its residual value when it comes to be discarded and has to be placed. Another method is to provide for replacement of the assets by means of a sinking fund.


An offer to sell goods at a price and under conditions that are stated.


An allowance or abatement made form a bill or in the price of goods etc.


Traffic is defined as
  • a.       A list of charges or prices, e.g. a list of the custom duties imposed on imported goods.
  • b.      A tax imposed on a product entering a country.

Trade Balance:

The difference between the value goods exported by a nation and those it has imported is called trade balance.


A person judged by a law court to be unable to pay his or her debt in full, whose property is then taken by the court and used to repay these debts.

Bearer Check

A check on which after the name of the payee, the words or bearer are written. The procedure of such a check is payable to any person who presents it to the banker.


An official order given by somebody in authority is called fiat.

Fiat Money

Paper money whose value derives from the fact that the issuing government has so decreed and people generally accept it as such.

Fiat Standard

A fiat standard is the monetary system in which the value or purchasing power of the monetary unit is not kept equal to the value of a specific quantity of a particular commodity or of a group of commodities.

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