A Complete Course for Learning Taxation Laws - Rules in Pakistan

Importance of anything can be judged by the person who needs it. Diploma in Taxation Law in Pakistan under Tax Ordinance 1990 is same. There are many Training Institute in Pakistan who is going to Teach Taxation with Practical Exercises. According to FBR there are different Kind of Tax which are used by different Department.

The above Titled Course is especially designed for Sale Tax user. All individual who are concerned with Sale Tax rules, if you are Sale Tax Practitioner this is basic and Base Building Free Sale Tax Course
A Complete Course for Learning about Taxation Laws in Pakistan

If you are concerned with Business, Banking or any Accounts and Audit organization you must need the Tax Law help. I mean you need Taxation laws of that Country. If we talk about Pakistan We are concerned with FBR Federal Board of Revenue. Actually FBR deal Taxation authority in Pakistan.

As per mentioned Subject today is our First day to learn about Tax Laws in Pakistan. Keep in mind FBR is a department where there are too many provisions and rules and Regulation. We are going to suppose that you do not know anything about Tax .

So you can say this is very simple and a complete base building Course which will help the beginners to know about Taxation Laws designed by FBR Pakistan. Let me share what am going to share in this Course

Key feature of Taxation Course

Today, this Episode will cover the Sale Tax Rules (According to Sale Tax Act 1990). This is very simple and base building course on Taxation.

Who Can Attend This Course

Tax Rules are very important for Accountant, banker, Business Man, for Auditor as well as anyone who deal finance in any department (small or Large) in a country. So all financial management and Account related students and Professional can get benefits from this Course.

Taxation Course Outline

Now let us discuss what you will learn in this Course. Here is a check list which helps you to know what we are going to learn in this episode.

Sale Tax Rate

Extra Tax rate is 2 % (It is also known as Further Tax)
·     But if we charge Non Register Person you will receive 2 % Extra charge mean 19 %
·      Remember 2 % extra Charge only form non register individuals
·      If Manufacturer or Producer sale directly to end user will not charge these 2 %.
·    If Manufacturer or Producers sale directly to government School or hospital will not charge extra 2 %
·    All Item falling under 3rd Schedule – will be free from Extra 2 %  sale taxes

·         The Supplier who is going to produce Good and Services will pay sale tax in case of     Sale
·         The Importer will pay sale tax in case of Importing Goods and services.

When the Sale Tax Have to Pay

·         The Supplier will pay Sale Tax at the end of every month on his sale
·         While Importer will Pay Sale Tax at time of Importing Good and Services.

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