Celebration of Annual School day list to do School Annual function

School Function are important but the Annual Day have its own importance. Today we will learn how to get prepare for School Annual Day. Celebrating of School Result day need much more care because at least all the member of your Community visit your school at that day. So every school must focus on how to do this day at the top level.

Annual function is not only prize distribution day it is your school Good will day because people measure your mentality and school management ideas how and what you are paying in rewards So take care about this day. You must have to add those activities which your community like most. 

You must have to chose the best Venue where you can arrange this special day. Before school function you finally decide who will be your Function Chief Guest. Keep in mind power issue is very common so make it sure there is a Power Supply backup in reserve. 

Let it make final who will be stage anchor in your school annual day. The Stage anchoring in Public speaking is responsible to cover the Audience's Emotions during the function. So make it sure you have choose the right person for Annual function day.

School Annual Day Function Check List 

Celebration of Annual School day list to do School Annual function

According to your culture add activities like Dance , Songs, Dramas, Performance , its up to your and your culture what people like in your culture etc. Add in Your school Function because People like it most. 

Now Finally Celebration of the main activity which is Prize Distribution. Let Call your Chief guest and offer the Gifts to your staff members and Students. Here are some Out line for your Annual Day.

  • Selection of Venue
  • Selection of Chief Guest for Annual Day
  • Back Up Power Supply
  • Who will be on the Stage
  • Dance Performance
  • Song and Dance Performance
  • Prize Distribution

20 task List to do Annual School Day Activities

1. First Design the Final Date when it will be done
2. Make it sure you have design the Invitation Cards
3. Send invitations Cards before 10 days at least 
4. Now Focus on your Activities 
5. You have not share the only School Results 
6. Try to share entertaining activities 
9. Make it final who will be chief guest 
10. Annual Prize should be divide in Sports,Cultural Achievement,and Education marks bases
11. Cultural events such as Dance , Music etc
12. Intimate all the Parents before the function
13. Call for some one Professional video grapher
14. Assign different duties to different Staff member
15. Message by the Top Management 
16. Award and honors for most performing Staff.
17. Foods and Drink arrangement
19. Thanks given activity
20. Remember Right Venue will make it more beautiful 
Celebration of Annual School day list to do School Annual function

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