Checklist of Standard Tender Notice for Advertisement in media

Hello Friends, I hope you know the process of Tender Advertisement process let me share the Checklist of Standard Tender Notice (Advertisement) this list will help you to make final decision before you published your tender in newspaper. According to PPRA  Rules Tender Notice must be published in Daily National Newspaper ( 1 English + 1 Urdu ) if it is more than 20 Million Rupee. Here is the Check list for you people before you go to Advertisement Process. 

Checklist of Standard Tender Notice for Advertisement 

Checklist of Standard Tender Notice for Advertisement in media
Checklist of Standard Tender Notice for Advertisement in media

1. Name of Procuring Agency with Complete Adress
2. Tender Number
3. Procurement Title
4. Tender Category International
5. Tender Description (Specification) Under Rule 10
6. Tender type of Work (Goods or Services)
7. PPRA Web Publication Date 
8. Advertiseement Date 
9. Response Time Rule 14
10. Issuance of Bidding Documents date Rule 14 and 15
11. Bid Security not exceeding 5 % of estimated price Rule 27
12. Closing Date and time 
13. Opening Date and Time Rule 30 
14. Procurement Method / Procedure of Bidding 
15. Bid validity rule 
16. performance Guranty 
17. Evaluation Criteria in bidding documents
18. Telephone no or Fax no 
19. Remarks if any 

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