Written reports vary from short, informal reports to long formal reports. The language can vary from conversational, first person language to highly structured, third person language. This section provide a brief introduction to informal and formal reports: each type is then discussed individually.

Informal Business reports

Informal business reports are generally brief. They can consist of a body and title page or of a body only; informal reports are often formatted as memos or letters. Memo reports communicate information to individuals within an organization. This style is used primarily for reporting routine information concerning day to day operation. This style is used primarily for reporting routine information and make recommendations to individuals outside an organization; a subject line may be used to identify the topic of the report. This type of report will not contain graphic aids. Informal reports are usually written in the first person.( I recommend that……)
Business Reports and Types of Business Reports

Business formal Reports

A business formal report has manuscript format. It can be informational or analytical, direct or indirect. It may be directed to the readers inside or outside the organization. It may take from several months to research and write the report. Content could be drawn from primary and / or secondary sources. Visual aids assist readers to interpret information presented as text. Formal report is usually written in the third person ( it is recommended that …….) recent trend, however, suggest that informality is acceptable in formal reports. The degree of formality is determined after the report originator has analyzed the receiver.

Informational or analytical reports

Informational reports offer data, facts, feedback and other types of information, without analysis or recommendations. The annual reports of a company is an informational report
Analytical reports offer both information and analysis and they can also include recommendations. A report of scientific research is an analytical report.


In business the informal reports is used much more frequently than the formal reports. There are many different types of informal reports; three of the most common – progress periodic , and technical – are discussed in the following sections

Business Progress reports

A progress report (also called a status report) is used to inform readers about the status of a particular project. The report assists managers in monitoring and making decision about the project. The report should inform the reader about the work that has been accomplished, the work that is being done currently, and the work that is scheduled to be done in the next reporting period.
Any significant progress or problem should be discussed in the report. The organizational plan is usually inductive.

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