Complete Training for writing Official Letters (Parts+Kinds+Technical Writing Tips)

Official Letter

Official correspondence is drafted on the basis of notice and others. Official correspondence requires experience and special knowledge of the particular terms used in the official correspondence. It is different from business correspondence. The various types of official correspondence are as follows:

  • 1.       Official Letter
  • 2.       Memorandum
  • 3.       Semi-Official Letter
  • 4.       Circular Letter
  • 5.       Unofficial Note
  • 6.       Notification
  • 7.       Press Note
  • 8.       Office Order

What is official Letter and Parts of Official Letter

What is official Letter and Parts of Official Letter
Letters written from a Government department to another and from government to Semi Government and private Organizations are called official Letters. Official letters are written in formal and impersonal style, in keeping with the designation of both the writer and the addresses.

Official Letters are normally used for correspondence with the federal Government, Provincial Government, Pakistani Embassies abroad, and Foreign Embassies in Pakistan, the courts of law, government department and individuals.

Parts of Official Letters

An official letter has usually the following parts.


The first part of the official letter is the number. It is typed in the middle of the page on the line ( 2 inches below the top of the page) it provides any easy reference to the reader and writer. It also helps in filing for Examples

  • 1.       NO. F.3. 345/2008 (RECTT) FDE
  • 2.       No. GCCM/205-(8)/2009

Letter Head:

The letter head is the printed name of the government and the department name. It is typed one space below the number in all capital letter in the center of the page. The letterhead stationery may contain telephone number, cable address, fax number, email address and logo for examples.
  • 1.       Government of Pakistan
  • 2.       Education Department


Usually the date is typed one space below the letterhead in the center of the page. The date sequence in official letters is given below
  • ·         The word Date
  • ·         City Name
  • ·         Comma
  • ·         The article the
  • ·         Day
  • ·         Month
  • ·         Comma
  • ·         Year

For example:  Dated Lahore, the 16th February, 2009.

Sender’s Name, Designation, and address

In official letters, the name, designation, and address of the addresser are typed two spaces below the date on the left margin with the word from. For examples

      1.       From
Government College Of Commerce
       2.       From    
Allama Iqbal Open University
Sha Ruken e Alam Colony
Inside Address (Name, Designation, and Address of Address)

The name, address and designation of the addressee are typed two spaces below the last line of the sender’s address with the word To in the following sequence:

  • ·         Designation
  • ·         Department or office
  • ·         Road , city
  • ·         Country ( if the letter is to be send abroad)

Note: to is not followed by any mark of Punctuation
                The District Manager
                TEVTA, Old Hostel Building
                Government College Of Technology, Multan


The subject line is written three spaces below the addressee’s address. The world subject is followed by a colon (:). It may be written at the left margin or centered.

If the world subject is typed in capital letter, the subject line is also typed in capital letters. If the world subject is typed in small letters, the subject line is typed in small letter. In this case, each word in subject line beings with a capital letter and it is underlined for examples

Subject: Grant of Ex Pakistan Leave




The salutation (Sir/Dear Sir, ) is typed on the left three spaces below the subject line. Madam/ Dear Madam may also be used If the addressee Is a woman. But Sir and madam are followed by comma/colon. Heads of department may be addressed in this way.


Generally the body of the official letter is typed single spaced with double spacing between the paragraphs. so that paragraphs may look conspicuous. The paragraphs in the body of the letter are indented ten spaces.

The first line in the opening paragraph of the body beings with

       1.       I am directed to state that……
       2.       I have the honor to inform you…..

Complimentary Close

(Complimentary close) the Complimentary close is typed two spaces below the last line of the body. The words yours obedient servant is used as complimentary close. For example
  • ·         Yours obedient servant,
  • ·         Yours faithfully,
  • ·         Yours very truly,
  • ·         Yours truly,
  • ·         Truly yours,
  • ·         Yours obediently,

Signature Block

The signature block is type two space below the body. This part consists of sender’s signature, name and designation. His / Her name is written in Capital letters within brackets four spaces below the complimentary close. Then his or her designation is typed. The signature is written in ink abobe sender’s name. for Example
Yours obediently servant,

Mujtaba Sheikh

Endorsement No

When a copy of the official letter is to be send to person(s) other than the addressee the endorsement is used. The names of these persons are written alphabetically or in order of importance. It is typed two space below the signature area on the left margin. It begins with the word Endorsement or Endst followed by the number in the same line.

The writer’s designation is again typed two spaces below the endorsement. Endorsement line is used in all official letters for examples.
  • Endst. No DM/MN/ISO/59595-98
  • A copy forwarded to
  • 1.       Zonal Manager South (TEVTA, Multan)
  • 2.       The Principal, Government College of Commerce Multan.

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