How to write a report on corruption to the country president

How to write a report on corruption to the country president

January 15, 2009,

The president
Government Of Pakistan

Subject: corruption in society

Dear Mr. President:

This report outlines the causes of corruption in society.
According to your instructions, I visited all big cities in four provinces of Pakistan where I meet intellectuals, elected representatives, clerics, the media people, government officials, and members of judiciary. They told me that corruption is on the increase in all levels of society. My findings are given below.
      ·         I observed that majority of employees are involve in corruption directly or indirectly some corrupt officials want to get rich overnight. It seems that they are unaware of the teachings of Islam
       ·         Official’s salaries are low as compared to their domestic expenditures. That is why they accept bribes to fulfill their pressing needs.
      ·         The general price level and people’s standard of living are also very high. In addition, social customs demand lavish expenditures of money.
       ·         Legal procedures of accountability are very complicated. So law enforcing agencies cannot take strict action against corrupt official easily and promptly. In addition, many cases of malpractice, embezzlement, and misappropriation are still pending in courts of law.
       ·         Some officers abuse their discretionary powers.
      ·         Money laundering has become common in society. A lot of influential people have transferred their black money to western countries, particularly in Switzerland. No doubt the government has brought many such cases to light. But more and more efforts are needed to bring the money laundering to an end
    ·         Nepotism and jobbery are increasing rapidly in society. These evils have created a sense of frustration, deprivation and mistrust among the poor.
In the light of above findings, I recommend that:
      a.      An effective anti corruption strategy must be worked out. Only framing of laws is not sufficient. Enforcement and implementation of laws should be given more importance for this purpose, honest officials should be appointed.
     b.      Awareness campaign against corruptions should be launched. The Teaching of the Holy Quran may be more helpful in this regards. People should know that they will be answerable to God for their deeds on the day of Judgment
     c.       Corrupt officials should be brought to justice with an iron hand and they should be given exemplary punishments.
        d.      Speedy courts of justice should be set up to dispose of corruption case s.
        e.      Equitable distribution of wealth should be made to bridge the gap between the rich and poor.        
       f.        Irrelevant political interference in government affairs should be stopped. Strict merit policy must be adopted to discourage nepotism.
       g.      Secret agencies must keep an eye on corrupt officials. They should monitor corruption regularly     and systematically.
       h.      Money stashed abroad, particularly in Swiss banks, should be returned.
In there is any point which needs further clarification, I may be called at any time convenient for you.

Yours respectfully,
Muhammad Ali

How to write a report on corruption to the country president

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