Languages of Pakistan updated complete article

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Languages of Pakistan updated complete article

If we turn the pages of history, we come to know that Urdu was one of the major reasons for the creation of Pakistan. Urdu-Hindi controversy gave a new thought to the Muslims of subcontinent that religion is not only cause, language is another one. Through this we can understand the value of a language that how it displayed a magnificent role in the creation of separate homeland.

A simple question rises in our mind that what is language? The answer is language is a source of communication through one can easily share his feelings, thoughts, emotions etc..

Pakistan is rich in culture and every culture promotes a language. So the numbers of languages in Pakistan are very high. According to Dr. Tariq Rahman almost 72 languages are spoken in Pakistan. Urdu is our national language and English is used as official language. Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtu, Saraiki, Balochi and Brahavi are major languages of Pakistan. The percentage of speakers in each language is give below.

Punjabi                 44.15
Pashtu                  15.42
Sindhi                   14.10
Saraiki                  10.53
Urdu                     7.57
Balochi                 3.57            
Others                  4.66   (source: Dr Tariq Rahman Article on Languages of Pakistan)

Punjabi is dominant on other languages. Sindhi is the only local language of Pakistan which is used in educational institute and in judiciary. All other local languages do not have such privilege.

Gilgitbaltistan is poor in population but rich in languages. The major languages are Broshaski, Wakhi, Shina and Balti in Skardu, Each tribe has its own language and cultural songs. People are committed to their language. Kara koram road impacts a lot on their identification. Education is their source of income almost 98% population of Hunza Valley is educated. So, many English words have become the part of their local languages.

The sad fact for linguist and languages is that languages are dying. A question rises in our mind that how a language can die? The answer is simple that when the speakers of a language die or they shift to other one. We can call it language shift. People shift from their language when there is no education and no jobs in their language or it is usually the case their language looked down upon and treated with contempt. People always learn a language which is used in education, media, jobs, commerce and in companies. I think we ourselves kill a language for the better future.

We should not be worried because researchers have confirmed that only one Pakistani language (Badeshi) is dead. Some are getting weekend due to this language shift but we have to focus on it because language is backbone of our identity.

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