What is Euphemisms explanation of Euphemisms with examples


The act or an example of substituting a mild or indirect term for a harsh, blunt, or offensive one is called euphemism. For Example, the idea of picking up neighborhood garbage does not sound especially inviting. One who does such work is often referred to sanitation worker or sanitation engineer. Contrasted with garbage collector, these words have pleasant connotations. As such they are not objectionable.

In general, try to state your message without using words that might hurt or offend your audience. Substitute euphemisms (mild terms) for those that have unpleasant connotations. Gentle language will not change the facts, but it will make them more acceptable.

Use euphemism when the purpose is to present unpleasant thoughts politely and positively ; avoid them when they will be taken as excessive and sarcastic.

  • Instead of this                                                   Use This
  • Toilet paper                                                        bathroom tissue
  • High calories food                                            high energy food
  • Peon                                                                     attendant
  • Bawled out                                                         reprimand
  • Used car                                                              resale cars
  • Died                                                                       passed away
  • Cheap merchandise                                        economy merchandise
  • Mortician                                                             funeral director

What is Euphemisms explanation of Euphemisms with examples

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