What is Market Report and Type of Market Report

A market is a place or event at which people gather in order to buy or sell good an the report is a description of an even or situation. In commerce, the market does not mean a particular place but it consist of all the people and organization that desire goods or services, have sufficient resources to make purchases, and are willing and able to buy.

Hence market report is an important document that indicates state of market about particular commerce for a certain period. It also describes the condition of the market, volume of business transactions, and the supply and demand of different commodities. So we say Cotton Market, vegetable market, Fish market, Stock Market, and timber Market.

Market Report and Types of Market Reports 

What is Market Report and Type of Market Report

Types of Market Report:

Different types of market report are as follows.

Daily Market Report:

Daily market report describes the conditions of the market on specific date. Such report includes the following statement.

  • 1.       The closing rates of the previous market day.
  • 2.       The opening rates of the day ( Price Prevalent at opening of the market)
  • 3.       The Highest and lowest prices during the day.
  • 4.       The closing rates or the day.

Weekly market Report:

Weekly market report reviews the market condition for six working days, i.e. from Monday to Saturday. It describes the following statements.

  • 1.       The closing rates on Saturday.
  • 2.       The opening rates on Monday
  • 3.       The highest and lowest rates on any day in the week.

Monthly market Report:

a monthly market report states the market conditions during the whole month. This report show the following statements

  • 1.       The closing rates of the commodities in the previous month
  • 2.       The opening rates of the month
  • 3.       The highest and lowest rates during the month.

This report is written for those commodities which have permanent demand and stable prices.

Biannual Market Report:

Biannual market report indicates the state of market for six month.

Annual Market Report:

Annual market report shows the state of market for the year. This report helps the government and business people either to increase or control prices.

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