Every student at school must be answerable these 26 Question

Do you know what are the common Question what every student must know for being educated. As a Teacher , School Principal or Coordinator are you trying to know what every student must know about his life, Life Skills , The Top Secret of life, Here are 26 Best Question that every student must know in his Education life. 

Do you ever feel what a Teacher must have to do , A teacher is one who teach their students how to live their life, yes he make them strong to face every situation of life. Mostly common Teacher just Teach them Text Books , Basic Math and some other tool. But do you ever try to teach them life skills.

Every student at school must be answerable these 26 Question 
26 Questions Every Student Should Be Able To Answer
26 Questions Every Student Should Be Able To Answer
26 Questions Every Student Should Be Able To Answer

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