How to make your Result Double and get Most productive outcomes every day

How to make your Result Double and get Most productive outcomes every day form your Team on daily basis Management Tips - Dealing with Hard People in your organization

How to handle a team member with good attitude today i will let you know about the strategies for dealing with difficult team members, Leading difficult teams is an art which you need to know here is the way to learn Team management, Most effective Team member need you appreciation are you doing in your system.How to deal a person who do not understand your leadership style. Art of dealing with bad team members.

Management Tips - How to deal with Hard People

Rule # 01

Well am a Teacher and i will give you Example from my surroundings. You can get the idea and apply in your own system as your system requirement.

Early in the morning when my school assembly get finished i call my Team in the Ground and just ask some one to share a good Quotation, The Holly Message from Quran or any Good idea for today. ( You can assigned this task on daily basis) After the good idea i just motivate them that they are the most Important people of the World, Being a Teacher they are responsible for the Nation building. You know i just visualized them the mission a big picture  and trust me they work all the day long with this message that they are hero of this world. 

Motivation is Magic , Just try this idea and feel the different. You just have to call them before they start their day, Call them motivate them and visualized the big picture, Let see and share your feedback am here to see you next time.

Stay Blessing 
Subhe Zanib.

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  1. A best Teacher Learning Blog i love this post How to make your Result Double and get Most productive outcomes every day

  2. Best idea for School Development and How to make your Result Double and get Most productive outcomes every day for Teacher as well as for School Principal
