Training about financial statements preparation step by step

How to Prepare Professional Financial Statements

How to prepare Financial Statement is technical Question. An accountant or Auditor need to know importance of these statements as well as it has much more importance for investor because if an accountant is showing wrong statement that mean the financial picture is not true and fare. 

So today our topic is how to prepare a Financial Statement like a professional. Let see what is in this episode of training. Actually this lesson is divided into two parts. In

part first i will tell you about Knowledge of Accounting and Financial Reporting and part two will explain the importance of MS Excel for such kind of Statements. Let start our topic 

How to Prepare Financial Statement like a Professional
How to Prepare Financial Statement like a Professional

Step 01

Knowledge of Accounting and Financial Reporting. 

For an accountant or person who is preparing such kind of statements there are two type of data required to create a professional look for such statements. This  is called Un-Organized data and Organized Data. Let see what is Organize data and what is un-Organized data.

What do you mean by Un-Organized ro Raw Data.

Actually incomplete Data is known as incomplete Data. But for professional Statements you need organized and meaningful data. Now again there is a question how to get Organized data, for this you need to improve your record keeping system. If you record system is up to mark than you cannot claim that your date is raw or un-Organized. 

So if you basic root line (Record system) is reflecting true and professional look you can get Organized data. 

Here one thing more i want to share that whatever Book System you are using either it is Single Entry system or Double Entry system it must be prepared as per accounting standards so that you will be able to get meaningful financial statement that really make sense. 

A Valid Trail Balance is Important.
If you are a Professional and need a financial statement accurate and meaningful you actually need an error free Trail balance. A Trail Balance that have correct and Equal Debit and credit side. For This kind of Trail Balance again you need meaningful data for drafting or preparation of accurate view that really make sense. 

If you are a consultant the primary data will be collected from your Clint , in case of Accountant in any organization you will collect data from your record keeping department so when you collect data you have to justify is it Organized or not. In case of non-Organize data you just have to filter it and make a Trail Balance after that  it is the last but not the least stage to prepare your Financial Statement. 

Now you can make a professional Financial Statement with the use of Your Professional Accounting Skills. 

Step By Step Guideline for Preparing Financial Statement:

01- First Identify the Period of Accounting Year is it one Year Statement or continuity of Previous Accounting Years

02- In case of Continuity you need some Opening Balance while in case of Only one Year F.S you just have to start with Zero Balance.(As Opening Balance)

03- Now apply the Financial Statement Procedure with the use of Excel ( Excel is best way to use for Financial Statement) and Prepare the best and Professional Financial Statement.

Please as any question if you have any ambiguity regarding this session.

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