50 Tasks to Make Your School More Effective & Save

In Your School there are too many task that you have to do on daily basis. So Management guide you to autonomy that mean distribute the work load toward your staff. 

If you are Principal and do not cover all the activities, share the load toward your team. 

For Example Here are more than 50 Best Guideline task that every school head must to follow on daily basis. 

So, Follow or assign these task to be revised view on daily basis in your school and must be communicate about all the situation (Daily Basis) 

50 Tasks to Make Your School More Effective & Save  

Basically this is Pre Planning, If every School do these Task on daily basis, I Promise You will be save form all kind of risks. So make sure to follow this below mention checklist for your school to be more save and Effective. 
  • Time Management must be followed by all the Team.
  • School Entrance & Play Ground Cleanliness
  • Sign Board Cleanness / Visibility / Working condition
  • Floor Mat if Available
  • Class rooms door and glass walls clean and spotless
  • Floor/Waiting Area if any -Trash Bin empty
  • Furniture Available, Dusted / In Order / Condition
  • water/shade arrangements in Summer season.
  • Check Toilets conditions / Kitchen for cleanliness & water if any.
  • All Indoor lights switched on/ In working order
  • Air-Conditions if available & switched on / in working order
  • Availability of Plants and Planters (If Available)
  • Name Plates of Office and Class rooms displayed
  • Availability of Suggestion Box for students and Parents.
  • Disposable Furniture & Fixture / Condition of Wiring/ Destroyable old record should not be placed in Office or Noticeable place.
  • Wiper/ Dusting cloth/ Under Table Slippers & Sandals Should not be visible in Prominent places.
  • (Mirror, Air freshener, Steps, Brush and all stationery must be in Put into Lockers Room)
  • Condition of Generator / Ups if any.
  • Fee Slips, Admission Forms, Test paper for interview (Teacher & Students)- Availability
  • Development Plan Checklist (Updated, dually stamped and signed by Principal and Co- Coordinator)
  • Availability of First Aid Box with medicines Updates
  • Punctuality of staff must be there   
  • Dress Code Observed your Team and all the students in Classes on Daily Bases Special in Morning Time.
  • Ensure Staff ID Cards / Staff is wearing ID cards
  • Select the Best communicator / well-mannered   person to meet with new people
  • Fees Collection Handling Parents politely with a positive attitude / Courteous to get feedback after 10th of each month.
  • Staff's Well-groomed appearance
  • Telephone must properly attending  
  • Co-ordination Among Service Staff on daily basis
  • Guards at the front door with metal detector on every Branch
  • Students must be trained about Security alarm system and how to fallow it.
  • You Must have install Security alarm system working & it must be connected with UPS
  • CCTV cameras must be connected with UPS  
  • Fire Extinguishers Available, Up-to-date & properly hanged
  • A list of Emergency Calls Number must be Pasted on Prominent places.
  • Guards/ security have a list of important telephone # & access to telephone line for emergency calls
  • Properly organized / Condition of Notice Board / School Boards.
  • Most Shining student of the Year Must be appeared by list or Wooden box.
  • Schedule of Charges must be appeared in your admission form.
  • Compliant Forms must be Available in your admission form for parents if they like to share in feature.
  • Latest Staff Duty List must be shared by the principal with  Co-coordinator.
  • Misc. Notices Register must be there and every notice must be share before 5 days of its implementing date.
  • School Registered Certificate displayed Properly
  • Financial activities must be managed as a secret lines.
  • Every task/activity must be  clear.
  • External/Internal Maintenance of Premises and everyone have to communicate about his / her class condition.
  • Branch Staff Attributes   
  • Keep in mind Change is a Process not the Click Based Reaction. So work slowly and Monitor the Results.
  • School Test schedule must be there / Lesson Planes / Test Planes / Output measurement values
  • Good Working must be appreciated
  • Do not leave the black sheep
  • Security Measures / Disaster risk elements must be measured/ School Risks / Disaster management
I hope this check list will really help you all, If you have any other idea must share in comments 

This is you can say a task list, A to do list for every school in modern age, How Your can make your school more effective and productive. How to save Your school form all risk, Guideline for Principal and Head of School to save from maximum risks. The above list will work for you.

Thanks to be the part of our Team for searching and your kind consideration. 

Thank you for visiting us. ❤
To Do List for School

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