How to Write Pen Picture of Your Staff annual Basis Guideline for Principal

If You are Principal or Head Teacher and you need to write a Pen Picture of Your Staff How You will write it. That may be some time a new idea for all of you. 

Yes ! Many schools issue annual basis a pin picture of their staff. Like what they are doing, what is their progress in last year. How they are improving, Appreciation, Suggestions, Guidelines are given in these notices. 

May be you think why I, Used term notice. Sorry if you mind but I think this is also like a Notice because a Head authority comments on overall progress. Let leave it come to the main topic 

How to Write Pen Picture of Your Staff annual Basis Guideline for Principal

What is Pen Picture? How to Write Pen Picture of Your Staff? If you are leading as a boss or authorized from Boss to write down Pin Picture of the Organization team how you will complete this task. This is what we are going to discuss in this article. if you need more help on this topic you just have to go below in comments section. Write your Question with in 3 days i will ask your question to make your problem easy. Actually i love to help the people so do not worry for your office work. Just ask for help and we should be there. 

How to Write Pen Picture Example No 1

Mr. ABC is a positive team player with innovative teaching ideas to contribute for student's capacity building. He is Professional in his job. 

He is result oriented and responding measurable outcomes in most effective manners. Overall he is a positive image in his colleges.

How to Write Pen Picture Example No 1

Mr. XYZ is confident, dynamic and hardworking person. He is responsible toward his assignment. He has good hold in his lessons as well as in class management.

With a positive approach he is performing like a Professional. During parents meeting he was observed to perform like a good supporter. His is Positive teacher and a good team player. 

Hope so these two pictures will help you that how to write a pen picture of your staff. If you need more examples please comments us we will share with you more than 100 Pen picture PDF book so that your work should be more easy for you. 

Let me know how can I help you to make your office work easy for you. For this ask for help in comments I, promise I will do my best !

Thanks for visiting my blog ❤

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