List of School Policies - Comprehensive Details Types of School Policies

List of School Management Policies: As a School Leader, Head or Principal what kind of Policies  you required. 

This is our today topic, Why a School need policy, What is School Policy and what kind of School Policies must be there. 

A List of School Management Policies is given below but if you feel there is some other policy that must be the part of this subject Please Comments us. 

Why School Need a Policy 

A Set of Rules and Regulation is Called Policy. Every Good Organization have their own policies, Like HR Policy, Budget Policy, Advertisement Policy. Same A School need some different Policies to execute day by day task in a good way.

What is School Policy

A School Policy mean all set of Rules and Regulation which are required in the school surroundings. Different Kind of School Policies are made to make school work smoothly and effective.  

How School Policy Help the Management 

When You do not have any Policy you are dependent on different situations. Like if there is a matter you go and solve it. But Policy already define all such troubles. Like a written set of parameters which define how to solve different situations if occurred. 

Types of School Policies ( Complete List of School Policies )

List of School Management Policies

Reward & Punishment Policy (Teachers)

Profiling of Teachers

Staff Discipline Policy

Staff Dress Code (Male & females)

Promotion /Repetition/Discharge Policy

Students Discipline/Reward & Punishment Policy

Pre-exam drills (Preps)

Admission Policy for COEs

Student Appreciation & Awards

Parents Day/Sports Gala

Student Prefectural Appointments

Improving Students’ Speaking / Writing Skills

Proposals for Social Work by Students

General Knowledge Component

School Organogram & Manpower

Table of Equipment

Boarders Breaking-in training instructions

A Study on Class-based Houses

Future Avenues for  students

Elements of Residential Institution’s Daily Routine

School environment & Décor

Conducive envmt for staff

Students’ Excursion Trips


So this was a comprehensive List of Policies, that every Good School must have to make their day to day task easy and effective. 

School Policy

Hope you would like to create these policies in you schools. If you need more help or information please Comments Us. 

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