School Audit Check List

If you are in a Public or Private School leading as Head or Principal. What you have to keep in mind for Your School Audit.

Hello Friends am going to update all of you regarding Your School Audit. Here is the Detailed checklist which can be audited by the concerned audit team.

The outlines are going to be provided for your pre planning. Be focused all these items.

Remember this is not a final list, Its depend upon the school policy or audit team that what they demand for their report. But most of the famous and blinking account related items are given below.

Hope this will make you 70 % ready for your School Audit.

Kindly Share your feedback in Comments. Thanks for visiting my blog for any question or query Send your feedback

School Audit Check List

  • All Salary sheets as per audit period
  • Soft Copies and Hard Record of Salary Account
  • All Accounting Ledger
  • Income from other sources record
  • All Income (Other Incomes)
  • Self-Finance Income
  • All Kind of Leave Record
  • Attendance Register academic non academic
  • Leave application form
  • Students Records Father CNIC ,  Mother CNIC every class list
  • Detail of All bank account for School
  • Cash books Record
  • Petty Cash Record
  • Cash ledger income and security ledger
  • All Report and returns of the School
  • Funds receive detail
  • Agricultural income if Any
  • Selling process agriculture if any
  • Lase correspondence If Any
  • Sale Tax deducted details
  • Income Tax Details
  • School Store Data
  • School Store Register
  • All procurement Record /Vouchers
  • Hiring of academic and non academic Record
  • List of Self Finance Students
  • List of All Teaching and non-Teaching staff
  • Authorized post as per School Policy
  • School SOP’s Policy file
  • School Procurement Policy
  • School Store Policy
  • IT Equipment Register
  • Accident Register of Store
  • All Fix Assets Details
  • Authority Letters from Head office if any
  • Board of Governor meetings and minuets sheets records
  • All Cash Payments Vouchers
  • All Bank Payments Vouchers
  • Land income Record if any
  • Land agreement if School have any Land
  • Laundry Agreement If Any
  • Income vouchers Record  
  • Advertisement copy and hiring process

This is all about School Audit, remember this is not a final thing what you have to provide for Your School Audit.

Normally it depends upon the Audit team what they demand for your audit. The basic requirement for an auditor during school audit should be maximum in between the subject items.

As a Principal of your School, you have to keep in mind all these items and check time to time for smoothly work in all these concerned items.

Because at the end of the day you are responsible for accountability. I hope this article will help you more in this regards.

Thanks for visiting, must share your feedback in comments.  


School Audit Checklist


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1 تعليقات

  1. This is Very Helpful for School Audit Check List, Most updated for School Management and Accounts and Finance Branch.

    Lots of love
