What is gestures and posture in nonverbal communication

Gestures and postures are the part of nonverbal communicationBy moving your body, you can express both specific and general messages. A wave of the hand has specific meaning, such as “Hello” or saying good bye keeping your head down and hunching your shoulders may be your way of telling people to leave you alone.

Crossing your arms may indicate that you do not accept what someone is saying. Throwing up the hands may indicate resignation. We scratch our head when we are puzzled. Movement such as pacing back and forth may signal nervousness. Animals lean their hands slightly whenever they see or hear something that interests them.

In addition, the way a person sits and stands conveys a non-verbal message. An individual standing and sitting erectly conveys confidence and pride, whereas as person slumping over may be perceived as being tired or depressed. An interested person may learn forward towards the speaker, one who is bored may fidget or glances at the watch.
What is gestures and posture in nonverbal communication?

The same gesture may be interpreted differently in different cultures. For instance, in the United States crossing the arms over the chest usually means that one’s mind is made up and is not open to change. In Finland, however, folded arms are the sign of arrogance.

No see in Turkey, it is considered rude to cross your arms while facing someone. A thumbs up is a positive sign in the United State and the same posture in Greece is a negative message, which means suggestion sit on it.

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