10 thinks parents must have to know to teach their kids.

10 thinks parents must have to know to teach their kids.

Kids are very innocent but to teach them good ideas is our own responsibility. As school teacher, parent, younger brother you must have to know these 10 secret about children behavior. Kids now a days are really worried about their life because they are learning about science and technology but they are not well aware about their relations.

As a good teach in a school, as a good mother at home, as a great father in the world you must have to know these 10 secret about your kids.

Do you know parents are doing great efforts now a day but their kids are not responding as parents are accepting? What is the reason! That one person is paying too much love while the other is not replying.
10 thinks parents must have to know to teach their kids.

Do you like to know! Actually we are teaching them everything but not that “How to think?” Let us teach our kids how to think positively in their life.

Here are top 10 secret about Kids behavior that parent must have to know.

·         Do say every time that you cannot do this!
·         Appreciate them may be you do not know the power of appreciation.
·         Observe the power of thinking because you ignore many time.
·         Ask them to do again when they perform something good.
·         Do not claim and start argument with them.
·         Please give them time.
·         Motivate them to do something good daily.
·         Before asking you must have to train yourself for doing the same.
·         Do not be harsh with them
·         Keep in mind as a Muslim it is our prime duty to train our kids toward right way.
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