How to check Students Copies in School – Teacher Training

How to check Students Copies in School – Teacher Training
For example I am a teacher and I want to check student copies how and what I have to fallow? let me share some beautiful can professional copy checking ideas with you. Here is complete teacher guide step by step to know about copy checking skills. I am your coach and I love to play in education field Please share your ideas on this topic.  

Copy checking is an art and a good teacher is well known about such art. A teacher in a primary school must know the method of checking and comments on Students diary. Here is top 50 effective methods of checking students dries. Let me share the beautiful collection for all good teachers to be aware about top fifty guideline about Copy checking in the school.

Note Class Management is a art which is basic responsibility for every teacher. So If you are a teacher i would like to suggest you to visit this link : How to Improve Your Class Management Skills 
How to check Students Copies in School – Teacher Training

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Copy checking need your attention and your focus but this is not enough and you must have to learn some basic rules an guideline for checking the School diaries an copies. Here is the experienced teachers review about checking Students copies.

As a Teacher What I have to consider during Copy Checking

1.    Exercise note book must be School title.
2.    Copies must be kept very neat; (both copy work & condition).
3.    Copies should be covered with plastic cover.
4.    For home work and class work separate copies must be maintained.
5.    No page or leaf should be left empty.
6.    It must show student name, grade, subject and subject teacher name.
7.    Information should be written in the same order.
8.    It must be written in capital letters and in straight font.
9.    It must be written on the very first page (facing copy cover).
10. Every page should carry numbers.
11. The number should be marked on the top outer corner of the page.
12.  Paste paper showing detail of assignments done. Like “Serial, Date, Assignment   No, signature” on the inner side of title page.
13. Test record of the relevant subject (copy test should be placed in the similar way as assignment record but of course on the other inside of the cover, as Serial, Date, Test No, Marks, signature).
14. Maximum within three days of the date of assignment, the work must be checked by the Subject teacher.
15. No graffiti or crossing is allowed.
16. Must write neat and in approved pattern
17. All related pictures, diagrams, graphs, tables, maps must be drawn by the students (purpose of interleaf copy must be achieved).
18. Date for assignment must be written on top line within margin at extreme left for English and extreme right for Urdu.
19. Pattern of date would be day-month-year e.g. 07-07-12.
20. Top line will show only “Assignment No”- written in the center. Till the end of the session this will go on like from 1 to 80 or 97 or 73 and so on.
21. For home work copies, instead of assignments students should write homework assignment number.
22. Every new work done in the class will be shown by this number.
23. Any revision work will not show the assignment number.
24. Second line (beneath the main top line) should show, Unit No___Topic___Page___.
25. The margin should only be at one side of the page, for English on left side and for Urdu on right side (mostly these are printed).
26. At the end of the question there should be line to separate that question.
27. Assignments and home work should be checked by the relevant subject teacher with extreme care.
28. Corrections can be of spelling, writing, page layout, correct answer etc
29. Before checking the next lesson the previous one must be reviewed. Make sure that corrections have been made as suggested by the teachers.
30. Teachers must ensure neat work.
31. No personal or derogatory remarks must be made on the copy.
32. Correction must be made in red ink.
33. Word with wrong spelling should be encircled or underlined. The word “sp” should be written on top of the word.
34. Sentence with grammar mistakes should be underlined and word “gr” should be written on top of the word.
35. Wrong answer should be indicated with the X at the answer.
36. Students must be encouraged to correct the mistakes by themselves.
37. Pictures, diagrams, graphs, maps etc should be properly labeled.
38. Caption should be mentioned if required.
39.  Colours and shading can be applied.
40. For maps, free hand sketching must be taught.
41. Every checked work must be signed by the subject teacher.
42. Copies must be rechecked by other teachers of the same subject.
43. Principal is responsible to develop copy re checking schedule.
44. Copies of weak students must be rechecked frequently.
45. Re checker should use black ink.
46. School Head should finally check the copies.
47. School Head should use green ink.
48. Thorough checking and re checking must be complete before midterm and final examination.
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