Redundancy meaning and examples of Redundancy

Redundancy means unnecessary repetition or the employment of more words than are necessary. Redundancy occurs when the same thing is said twice. In the following examples, the word or phrase in the parentheses merely adds clutter because its meaning is contained in the other word.

Redundancy meaning and examples of Redundancy

  • 1.       A (dead) Corpse.
  • 2.       Audible (to the ear)
  • 3.       The (Final) conclusion)
  • 4.       (Past) Experience.
  • 5.       Necessary (Prequisite)
  • 6.       Mix( together)
  • 7.       (whether) or not
  • 8.       (the month of) August
  • 9.       (Personal) Opinion
  • 10.   Consensus ( Of opinion)
  • 11.   Repeat ( again)
  • 12.   Repeat (again)
  • 13.   Utmost( perfections)
  • 14.   (marble) stone
  • 15.   (new) innovation

Redundancy must not be confused with repetition. For the sake of clarity, the difference between redundancy and repetition is given below.


Redundancy serves no purpose and is an error because such an error waste words and risks distancing fro the idea presented, avoid redundancies.


Repetition serves as a purpose and is not an error. In a sentence a paragraph, a certain word needs to be used again.

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